When I decided to seriously work on my vertical jump I faced some tough decisions:

Which vertical jump training program am I going to do?

What is going to deliver the best results for me?

In this article, I will tell you why I decided to do Vert Shock instead of the Jump Manual.

Going with Vert Shock turned out to be a great decision as I increased my vertical jump by 8 inches and became a consistent dunker for the first time in my life. Make sure to check out the video below to see my transformation!

Download Vert Shock
Vert Shock and Jump Manual are by far the two most popular programs of vertical jump training.

And there is a reason for that!

Both programs have been proven to work and vertical jump programs will increase your vertical jump significantly.

Unlike older, purely marketing-driven programs like Air Alert or the Jumpsoles, these programs are backed by scientific findings and years of vertical jump training experience!

However, there are certain athletes that will best basketball shoes have better results using Vert Shock and others will make better improvements using the Jump Manual.

My goal is to provide you with all the information you need to find out which type of athlete you are and to decide which of the two workouts is better suited for you.

As I have already talked about Vert Shock in great detail in this post, I am going to focus more on the Jump Manual.

Jump Manual: The Introduction
The Jump Manual was created in 2008 by Jacob Hiller. It originated as a series of YouTube videos where Jacob talked about what he learned after trying every conceivable vertical jump workout like Air alert, stair running or ankle weights.

These videos turned out to be so popular that he soon created his own vertical jump program and started selling it online. Since then he was featured on ESPN, Sports Illustrated and Men’s Health and sold over 100.000 copies of his program.